10 Things I Can See From Here

Imagery in the 10 Things I Can See From Here

In details explain the imagery

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One example of imagery can be found in the heart depicted in the anatomy book, which represents life and death. Maeve asserts, “One page showed a human heart, sketched in black, suspended in white space. Another image was in color: reds of all shades, and purple, and black, white plaque, blue blood pumping out one side, red blood flooding in the other. On the next page, the heart was sectioned. Halved, and then quartered.” The detailed descriptions of the whole heart contrast sharply with the subsequent imagery of the heart being quartered and sectioned. This imagery delves into the duality of life and death where a once vital organ becomes a mere object when it ceases to function. Moreover, the narrative connects this anatomical imagery to Maeve's realization and guilt regarding Mrs. Patel's death.


10 Things I Can See From Here