Roughing It

Mark Twain, Roughing It

Which statement provides an accurate summary of the passage Roughing it by mark twain? A. While traveling to Carson City, a group of men become irritated with each other and argue about the best way to proceed in order to reach their destination. B. A group of men travel to Carson City through difficult weather conditions, meet misfortunes along the way, and do not know how they will reach their destination. C. A group of men on a journey to Carson City are defeated due to harsh weather conditions and the inability to agree on how to proceed and are forced to give up. D. Through snowy conditions, a group of men on their way to Carson City discover their leader has misled them, so they become angry and some decide to go their separate ways.

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B. A group of men travel to Carson City through difficult weather conditions, meet misfortunes along the way, and do not know how they will reach their destination.