
superman and me by sherman alexie

In paragraph 8, Alexie states that students “refuse and resist” and that he has to “throw my weight against their locked doors.” How is this similar to what Superman must do in the comic book? Support your answer with text evidence. Additionally, in paragraph 6, Alexie states that “a smart Indian is a dangerous person, widely feared and ridiculed.” How does this compare to your perception of Superman. Support your answer with text evidence.

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In paragraph 8, Alexie states that students “refuse and resist” and that he has to “throw my weight against their locked doors.” How is this similar to what Superman must do in the comic book?

Alexie is a pretty famous writer. He visits classrooms of indigenous schools. There he sees all types of Indians. He sees Indians that are filled with the wonder of reading and Indians who stare out of the window in disinterest, They carry neither pencil nor pen. They stare out the window. They refuse and resist. The disinterested Indians are the ones he needs to, like Superman, break down their metaphorical door of resistance to books. He needs to transcend the worn-out falsity that Indians are not supposed to read and be smart.

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