Why does Winston say that the proles are human and that he and Julia are not ?


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Outer party members view proles as the ignorant masses. Winston is fascinated by them. He wonders if there is more to them than simply ignorant people who satisfy their primal urges. Winston wonders if it is possible that they might rise up and destroy the party. This is Winston's ultimate fantasy. Winston envies the freedom of the Proles. Although oblivious to their own ignorance, at least they are free. As Winston waits for her in the room, he hears a woman singing outside as she hangs out her wash. She's singing something like "It was all a hopeless fancy." Winston envies this woman. He envies how she has put out several kids and now takes care of grandkids. She still sings even though her youth is gone. Winston still finds her beautiful. She is everything the party isn't.