A Christmas Carol

Can anyone answer these questions?

1. What can you say about Mr. Ebenezer Scrooge?

2. What can you say about Mr. Ebenezer Scrooge?

3. Why does the ghost carry chains?

4. Why does he come to visit Mr. Scrooge?

5. Who is the first spirit?

6. Where does the first spirit take Mr. Scrooge?

7. Who is the second spirit?

8. Where do they go this time?

9. Who is the third spirit?

10. What does Mr. Scrooge see with spirit number three?

11. How does Mr. Scrooge change? What does he do?

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Last updated by jill d #170087
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Ebenezer Scrooge is the story's protagonist. He is described as a cold, miserly creditor whose redemption to kindness and selflessness forms the arc of A Christmas Carol. Scrooge represents the Victorian rich who neglect the poor and think only of their own well-being. The most motivation Dickens provides for Scrooge's character is his depiction of him as a young boy; neglected by his peers and, it appears, by his father, the young Scrooge seemed determined to live only for himself as he aged.

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A Christmas Carol