A Doll's House

How the theme of moral corruption is related to male characters?

what is the bad things that the male characters in A doll's house did?

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Dr. Rank has inherited his tuberculosis from his father, who lived a morally questionable life, and in much the same way Nora worries that her morally reprehensible actions (fraudulently signing her father's name) will infect her children. Corruption, the play suggests, is hereditary. As he does in other plays, such as The Wild Duck, Ibsen explores the tension between real life and moral ideals.

We can consider Torvald Helmer as a symbol of moral corruption because when his wife requests him to get back Krogstad to job then he says that he can overlook the moral side of Krogstad but how he had been with me in our school days that I can not overlook


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