A Lesson Before Dying

How does Ivy Day in the Committe Room deals wit Grant from Lesson before Dying?

How does Ivy Day in the Committe Room deals wit Grant from Lesson before Dying?

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Grant’s thoughts turn to the time an Irish literature professor gave a guest lecture at his college. The professor emphasized the work of Parnell and James Joyce, and mentioned that one Joyce story, “Ivy Day in the Committee Room,” was universally potent, regardless of race or nationality. Grant sought out the story, but does not initially recognize its universality, griping that it was just about old white men discussing politics. Only later, when he sees how much his people revere Joe Louis and Jackie Robinson, does Grant realize that the story was really about the importance of heroes. Still in a bad mood, he goes to visit Vivian, and begs her to run away with him, if only for the weekend. She refuses, afraid that leaving town for any period of time will give her husband an excuse to take custody of her children.

