A Long Walk to Water

Chapter 11

What happens in Nya's section that can help me predict what is happening to Nya in chapter 11?

How does Salva react to Marial's death? How does Salva react to Uncle Jewir's death? How were his reactions different?

How does Salva change after Uncle Jewir's death?

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Nya is confused. She cannot understand how water can be located under the dry, hard, earth.

Salva was devastated and frightened by Marial's death. Uncle Jewir's death, however, leaves him numb and unprotected.

Uncle Jewir's death give Salva no choice but to toughen up. He has to beg for food, and the group he travels with now complains about his youth. As a result, he becomes stringer and determined to prove them wrong.

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A Long Walk to Water