A Man For All Seasons

In the novel "A MAN FOR ALL SEASONS," Bolt does his best to make us see "it is a moral choice and not a religious choice."

in a novel"A MAN FOR ALL SEASONS"Bolt does his best to make us see"it is a moral choice and not a religious choice"that has to made.Discuss in detail

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Bolt's intent is to illustrate the contradictions in the way we make our choices. He believes that theories confuse the masses, and that people need to focus themselves on the improvement of "self," rather than attempting seesaw between religious and moral beliefs. Bolt sees the religious choices More suggests as hypocrital, which is dangerous for all involved. Thus, he believes that it is man's law rather then God's law, which should be followed. 


A Man for All Seasons

though he is a religious man but it is his conscience which does not allow him to agree with the king.he refuses to swear to the act of supremacy because it is his conscience which doesnt allow him..and then explain that he is a man of conscience and illustrate ur points by giving some examples from the play