A Raisin in the Sun

What news does Mrs. Arnold convey to Ruth? What did Walter do during those three days?

For A Raisin In The Sun in act 2 scene 2

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Mrs. Arnold tells Ruth that Walter hasn't been at work for three days, and that if he doesn't show up.... he will be fired. Walter explains his actions as follows;

Well Wednesday I borrowed Willy Harris' car and I went for a drive . . . just me and myself and I drove and drove . . . Way out . . . way past South Chicago, and I parked the car and I sat and looked at the steel mills all day long. I just sat in the car and looked at them big black chimneys for hours. Then I drove back and I went to the Green Hat. (Pause) And Thursday, Thursday I borrowed the car again and I got in it and I pointed it the other way and I drove the other way for hours way, way up to Wisconsin, and I looked at the farms. I just drove and looked at the farms. Then I drove back and I went to the Green Hat. (Pause) And today today I didn't get the car. Today I just walked. All over the South-side. And I looked at the Negroes and they looked at me and finally I just sat down on the curb at Thirty-ninth and South Parkway and I just sat there and watched the Negroes go by.


A Raisin in the Sun