
I found this Agamemnon guide extremely useful.... but I'm looking for a summary or study guide of Choephori by Agamemmnon

Any ideas?

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The Choephori is the second part of the play or trilogy. It begins a few years after the first part, where Agamemnon leaves off after the murder of Agamemnon by Clytaemestra. The sections begins in the kingdom of Phocis, where Agamemnon's son Orestes has been living in exile. Apollo then commands Orestes to return to Argos and avenge his father's death, which he does with his sister's help. Orestes is able to kill both Clytaemestra and Aegisthus after disguising himself and gaining entrance to the palace. He goes on to unsuccessfully try to justify the murder of his mother before going mad in the final scene after being attacked by the Furies. The Furies are spirits who attack murderers in order to avenge the dead.

Choephori is the second part of the play or trilogy. It begins a few years after the first part, where Agamemnon leaves off after the murder of Agamemnon by Clytaemestra. The sections begins in the kingdom of Phocis, where Agamemnon's son Orestes has been living in exile. Apollo then commands Orestes to return to Argos and avenge his father's death, which he does with his sister's help. Orestes is able to kill both Clytaemestra and Aegisthus after disguising himself and gaining entrance to the palace. He goes on to unsuccessfully try to justify the murder of his mother before going mad in the final scene after being attacked by the Furies. The Furies are spirits who attack murderers in order to avenge the dead.