All American Boys

Rashad’s brother Spoony talks about “controlling the narrative” (p94). What does he mean? Why do you think that might be important in this case? How does media shape news narratives? How does media shape the narrative?

Rashad’s brother Spoony talks about “controlling the narrative” (p94). What does he mean? Why do you think that might be important in this case? How does media shape news narratives? How does media shape the narrative? What parallels to Rashad’s story do you see in current events? Compare/contrast coverage of the same event from different sources, including television/print/radio. What do you notice?

This is a discussion board today, so please answer your question in an extended response (5-7 sentences).

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This is just a short-answer space. Generally, Spoony means that the public must know Rashad's side of the story first and the media must not forget it. Controlling the narrative means controlling the message the public gets before it is distorted by outside interests. Rashad needs to be seen for who he really is and what really happened before the story gets corrupted by people who want to change it.