All American Boys

That was my role: the dutiful son, the All-American boy with an All-American fifteen-foot deadeye jump shot and an All-American 3.5 GPA” (27). What does All-American mean? Why do you think it was repeated?

That was my role: the dutiful son, the All-American boy with an All-American fifteen-foot deadeye jump shot and an All-American 3.5 GPA” (27). What does All-American mean? Why do you think it was repeated?

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Last updated by jill d #170087
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All American essentially tands for "expectations". In Rashad's case, these expectations are familial, as well as societal. Rashad, none-the-less, feels as if he is expected to be like his father. The dreams his father lost in Afghanistan were now transferred to him.


All American Boys