All the President's Men
writing about all the presedent's men
and what the relation between all the presedents men and the first amendment
and what the relation between all the presedents men and the first amendment
If I'm not mistaken, the 1st amendment includes freedom of the press.. While “All the President’s Men” may be about how the administration of President Nixon collapsed in the wake of a so-called “third-rate burglary,” the reality is that "all the president’s men" as well as the president himself are essentially just supporting characters in the story of how the press revealed a constitutional crisis and a White House scandal. The strategy of the Nixon administration directly targeted the reputation (even possibly the lives) of members of the media it deemed enemies. Two little-regarded reporters (who were much closer to being fired than they were to becoming legends) managed to play a major role in the first Presidential resignation in U.S. history. The story of Woodward and Bernstein became a high point of journalistic integrity and purpose; and in the decades since, the power of the press has been continually diluted by political pressure.