Animal Farm

After the animals have spent a difficult summer harvesting the fields, how are their lives fundamentally different now from life under Farmer Jones?


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"After the revolution, the conditions on the farm are temporarily improved. The animals are well-fed, but they work harder still. The difference of the working conditions is that before the animals had nothing to work for, except paltry scraps of food and long hours of toil. But now the animals had something to work towards: they were working for themselves and for the benefit of the fruits of their labor. Under Jones, the animals were underfed, malnourished, overworked and even abused. Because of this, the animals rebelled after hearing about a utopian society where everyone was satisfied down to their basic needs. An elder boar named Old Major planted this utopian idea into the minds of all the animals. After the revolution, and more specifically, after Napoleon had dispensed with the Snowball issue, day by day, worsening conditions and degredation returned to the lives of the animal workers on Animal Farm. Napoleon consistently continued to break and amend each of the commandments that were to govern the farm. These changes included (but are not limited to) anything on four legs is good, two legs is bad, no animal shall murder another animal, and finally, all animals are equal, but some are more equal than others."

"Jones and Napoleon both strive to rule over the farm, Jones because he is a farmer, and Napoleon because be strives to become human. While Jones is a normal farmer, not treating his animals with any sort of excess cruelty, he does neglect them at times, which starts the chain reaction of the revolution. Napoleon, meanwhile, pretends to treat the animals better than Jones, but in reality exploits the animals even more than Jones did. Jones is not overtly evil in his treatment of the animals; they are fed and housed, and used for their milk, meat, and labor. Napoleon, however, lies about his intentions, uses the dogs as a personal army, and kills animals senselessly when he imagines a threat, all the while espousing ideals of equality."
