Animal Farm

What was the exciting incident that happened on the farm? How does the writer present the excitement?

Chapter 3. Include quotes aswell as explination please and Thankyou!!

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Nothing really exciting happens in Chapter 3 - There is no Battle of the Cowshed or anything that is too "cool." However, the day-to-day work on the farm begins, each animal working to his level of competence, and some attempt is made to educate the animals. We begin to see the "selfishness" of the pigs, especially those that ally themselves with Napoleon. They are able to convince the other animals that the pigs "must" be kept healthy because of the good work they do keeping the farm in tact and in order.

The animals hold an hour-long ceremony at which they raise their new flag. The flag is green to represent England’s pastures and features a hoof and horn that “represent the future Republic of the Animals” that will exist “when the human race [has] finally been overthrown” (48). A gathering called Meeting follows the flag raising, in which the animals plan the coming week and the pigs present resolutions for debate (none of the other animals are intelligent enough to think up resolutions). Snowball and Napoleon tend to debate the most and take opposite sides. The animals end each meeting by singing “Beasts of England.”
