Baylor College Medical School
18.1 Hyphens/ Dashes/ Ellipses
18.1 Rewrite the following sentence , adding hyphens where they are needed.
1. Twenty six eight year old students visited the Lincoln Memorial.
2. The ex professional mountain bike racer is French Canadian.
3. A well spoken salesman told me about his great grandfather.
4. The post operation physical therapy consists of lifting eight pound weights.
5. Three fifths of the cars enter the S curves too fast.
6. The coach re examined the tapes of the game they lost 52 6.
7. The deck will have six, nine, and twelve foot sections.
8. The two pronged attack begins at exactly eight forty in the morning.
9. My know it all brother is the vice chair of the committee.
10. The all star pole vaulter is only five eight.