As You Like It

difference between life in court and life in forest of arden

act2 scene1,put forward by duke senior

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"As You Like It" is a piece of literature in what is known as the "pastoral" genre. In such pieces, rural life is seen as good while city life is seen as corrupt and evil. In this play, life at the court is bad while life in the Forest of Arden is good.

We can see the contrast between the two in the fact that Duke Frederick and Oliver and evil and corrupt whereas the people in the Forest of Arden (Duke Senior, Orlando, Rosalind, Celia) are good. Furthermore, we see that Oliver becomes good once he gets to the Forest, as does Duke Frederick.


"As You Like It" is a piece of literature in what is known as the "pastoral" genre. In such pieces, rural life is seen as good while city life is seen as corrupt and evil. In this play, life at the court is bad while life in the Forest of Arden is good.


"As You Like It" is a piece of literature in what is known as the "pastoral" genre. In such pieces, rural life is seen as good while city life is seen as corrupt and evil. In this play, life at the court is bad while life in the Forest of Arden is good.

In the court life the people present are always corrupted but sometimes up to the mark. But in the forest they are free with each other and spend their time carelessly.

The rest of the information will be found in eNotes written by a student named Fayaen.
