Back to the Future

What is the exposition for Back to the Future?

not the sequel i just need the exposition for back to the future because i dont understand what to say for it.

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The film opens on a room full of clocks ticking, coffee brewing, toast burning, dog food cans being opened by machines and a news story about stolen plutonium just before Marty McFly plugs his guitar into a gigantic amplifier which he blows out. We learn that he is at his friend Doc's home. Doc calls Marty on the phone and asks him to meet him in a parking lot that night at 1:15am. Once there Marty learns that Doc has created a time machine built out of a DeLorean he customized and which has been powered with plutonium he stole from terrorists. Doc shows Marty that it actually works, and once the DeLorean returns Doc sets the date in the car to November 5, 1955--the date he invented time travel.

