describe how the teaching of Gita apply to modern yoga practioner
gita applys to modern yoga practioner
gita applys to modern yoga practioner
I'm no Yogi but I'm pretty familiar with my Hindu Gods. The Gita has very little to do with actual yoga physical practice. From a moral perspective the Gita instructs on how to live a clean life which, I've been told, serves as a foundation for yoga. Certainly the practice of meditation can be shared in both.
dear friend,it is a good question.actually gita does't apply on modern yoga practitioner n meditationer.saints knows about brahmnirwan while only God say about yog i.e.''yogi bhava arjuna"...gita-46/06.inspite of efferts itdepends upon an independent may be said as mercy of God.a person who h asattained brahmnirwan can effert to be yogi of gita.efferts get start from gita... 01/06.result will be positive because it is the version of God.
Source(s): prabhu-prasad shrimadbhagwadgita