Bud, Not Buddy

Why does Bud think the man in the flyer is his father? Provide evidence from the text to support your answer.

Why does Bud think the man in the flyer is his father? Provide evidence from the text to support your answer

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Bud thinks the man in the flyer is his father because of the way his mother reacts.... expecially to the man's presence in Flint.

From the text:

I remember Momma bringing this flyer with her when she came from working one day, I remember because she got very upset when she put it on the supper table and kept looking at it and picking it up and putting it back and moving it around. I was only six then and couldn't understand why this one got her so upset, she kept four others that were a lot like it in her dressing table, but this one really got her jumpy. The only difference I could see between the blue one and the others was that the others didn't say anything about Flint on them.


Bud, Not Buddy