Call of the Wild

What are the laws of club thing that both learned in Chapter 2? Tell specifically which one of the Laws/rules buck learns. there is more than one. How are those Lost different from what book was used to?

What are the laws of club thing that both learned in Chapter 2? Tell specifically which one of the Laws/rules buck learns. there is more than one. How are those Lost different from what book was used to? Please explain your answer by giving information from the text

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In Chapter Two, London calls the rules governing this society the "law of club and fang." Stripped of the niceties of civilization, the only rule that governs, a rule that supersedes any loyalty, is the rule of power. Curly dies because she has no understanding of her place in the power structure. She accidentally asserts a dominance she cannot back up. Leaders such as Spitz keep everyone in check. Spitz must assert his dominance over new dogs in order to establish their place in the hierarchy. Buck must see Curly's death as a lesson, for their is no time to express sympathy.
