
How is the old woman treated by the Christian eunich?

How does the old woman lose her buttock?

Is Voltaire an optimist about the human condition? Explain.

What decision does Conégonde make in Latin America? Is it a good one? Explain.

How does Voltaire portray the Jesuits and their government? Details?

How and why does Conégonde's brother respond to Candide's thoughts of marrying her? What does the brother's decision and attitude say about Voltaire's opinion of the nobility?

What is El Dorado like?

What effect does El Dorado have on Candide's beliefs in Pangloss' axiom? Explain.

How and why are religion different in El Dorado?

Why do Candide and Cocambo decide to leave El Dorado? Is it a good decision in your opinion?


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Last updated by rosie m #283601
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These are too many questions for the space we have in one response. I can take your main one though. I think the eunuch attempts to rape her but she insists on telling her story. The eunich takes her to a cottage and cares for her. The eunich then promises to take her to Italy but sells her off in Algiers instead as a concubine.

Thank you!! Do you think you can answer these 2 please??

1. Is Voltaire an optimist about the human condition? Explain.

2. What decision does Conégonde make in Latin America? Is it a good one? Explain.