Charles Baudelaire: Poems

what is the diction of the poem "To The Reader" By Charles Baudelaire

what it means

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Diction relates to the choice and order of words. It is split into two sections; vocabulary and syntax. When we're talking about vocabulary we have two things to consider; is it simple or is it complex. In terms of syntax, we have to decide whether it's unusual or simply ordinary. These two traits make up what we define as "diction."

The diction in "To the Reader" is formal. He speaks to us in simple language; there's nothing here that's difficult to understand and no vocabulary in need of definition. The syntax is far from unusual, unless of course we wish to applaud the poet for his use of descriptive language. His meaning is not difficult to understand and nothing in the text needs interpretation. Baudelaire says it like it is, and he is very clear in his belief that if man were completely honest about what should not be liked in him, he would truly understand reality, including his reality, no mess and completely uncluttered in his mind. What he gives us is the clear view; there's nothing here to afford us shadows or innuendo; he gives us what he believes to be the utter truth of humanity.


"To The Reader"