Chaucer's Poetry

Describe chaucer contribution to english language to justify his title of father of english poetry?

chaucer prologue to cantrbure tales

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This is a pretty huge question for this short answer space. I suggest you do a separate search with this question and you will find a lot of information.

Geoffrey Chaucer is one of the greatest poets of England. He is known to be the father of English poetry . This does not mean that there was no poetry or poets in England before him. But before Chaucer there was no National language. There were merely a number of regional languages. Chaucer used one of these languages , East Midland . By the force of his genius, he raised it to the level of the national language of England. He was, therefore , both the father of English poetry and the father of English language. He is the first national poet of England. There were order poets also in his time .They were John Gower and William Langland .But their poetry is little read and enjoyed today.On the contrary, Chaucer continues to be as fresh and enjoyable as when he lived and wrote .
