Cry, the Beloved Country

cry the beloved country ch 23!! SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME! Mr aslan

The chapter contains more than one speaker and, consequently, more than one point of view. Consider the second section of the chapter in particular, which begins " Gold, gold, gold. The country is going to be rich again." From whose point of view is this section being told?

is this section being told by kumalo? I'm really confused!!

and another question for chapter 23: what evidence is there that the people campaigning for the improvements in the new mine do not have the power to make the changes actually happen?

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Last updated by Sushant S #595067
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YEs it is told by Kumalo!

you should read it carefully and with full concentration


By a book

Really! Wow thank you

Could you also help me on this last one? What evidence is there that the people's campaigning for the improvements in the new mine do not have the power to make the changes actually happen?