David Copperfield

Describe David's meeting with Dora.

david and dora

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If your question pertains to Chapter Twenty-Six of the novel, David falls immediately and completely in love with Dora the first time he sees her. Without a specific chapter number, I cannot give you a definitive answer.

We turned into a room near at hand (I think it was the identical breakfast-room, made memorable by the brown East Indian sherry), and I heard a voice say, ‘Mr. Copperfield, my daughter Dora, and my daughter Dora’s confidential friend!’ It was, no doubt, Mr. Spenlow’s voice, but I didn’t know it, and I didn’t care whose it was. All was over in a moment. I had fulfilled my destiny. I was a captive and a slave. I loved Dora Spenlow to distraction!


David Copperfield

Describe the love of Dora

Describe the love of Dora