David Copperfield

Write a brief about David's experience in the factory?

who is mr Murdstones? How does he beat David?

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Mr. Murdstone is David's step-father. He whips David with a cane.

One morning when I went into the parlour with my books, I found my mother looking anxious, Miss Murdstone looking firm, and Mr. Murdstone binding something round the bottom of a cane - a lithe and limber cane, which he left off binding when I came in, and poised and switched in the air.

He beat me then, as if he would have beaten me to death.

David goes to work at Murdstone and Grimby, where he fills bottles and packs them for shipment.

Murdstone and Grinby, a company chiefly involved in shipping wine and spirits. David's job is to refill old bottles and pack them for shipment. David goes to live in the spare room of the Micawber family.


David Copperfield