Dead Poets Society

Discuss his methods (in comparison to the atmosphere of the school), whether his methods are effective or not and provide explanations (using scenes & characters from the movie) to support your argument.

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An unconventional English teacher who joins Welton Academy as the movie begins, John Keating is an ex-student of the school who has already lost many jobs. He attracts the students' attention by asking them to address him as "Oh captain, my captain." He also attracts the attention of the faculty by encouraging the students to stand on their desks, rip their textbook and develop their own way of walking. Mr. Keating urges his students to view English and poetry as something essential for life rather than a mundane school subject. The students are initially suspicious of Mr. Keating but learn to trust him when he convinces them to revive the secret "Dead Poets Society" that he ran as a student. This emboldens Neil to talk to Mr. Keating about his fear of his father and his desire to become an actor. Neil participates in 'A Midsummer Night's Dream' against his father's wishes. This ultimately leads to his suicide, and to Mr. Keating being made a scapegoat for Neil's death and rusticated by Nolan.

Mr. Keating uses his unconventional ideas to negate the 4 pillars of Welton Academy and represents the progressive ideas that were rejected in 1950's New England.

