Death of a Salesman


What might the urbanization of Brooklyn NY symbolize?

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I think that the urbanization of Brooklyn NY symbolize restriction. Willy success is restricted, his whole life is restricted and because of the urbanization even his space is restricted.

ps. It's hard for me to decribe precisely what I mean, my English isn't that good, because I'm Dutch

The dawn of a new world in which there is no place for a travelling salesman, and definitely no place for William Loman. Willy was the hero (or so he claimed) of the previous time period and now that it has moved on so must he; he has run his course and is of the age to retire. With the dawn of this new age, we also witness the passing of the baton across generations; from parent to child - from Frank to Howard Wagner, and in a way from Charley to Bernard - therefore reinforcing the fact that it is indeed time for Willy to retire and live off of his sons, "Where are your sons? Why don't your sons give you a hand?" - Howard Wagner to Willy, Act II (pg. 65 Penguin Classics)

It also illustrates extreme commercialism/the domain of business which is not the calling of any of the Loman men, "Because we don't belong in this nuthouse of a city! We should be mixing cement on some open plain, or - or carpenters." - Biff to Happy, Act I (pg. 48 Penguin Classics). Though this is the lifestyle which he enjoys and internally desires, it is not the path he chooses however, as he falls prey to the American Dream and deserts reality for an illusion.