Death of a Salesman
Why did Willy punch F.H.Stewarts?
Why did Willy punch F.H.Stewarts?
Why did Willy punch F.H.Stewarts?
Stewarts alluded to the fact that Willy was fat, or so Willy thought from the mention of a walrus. Willy believed he was making fun of him (laughing at him).
"I’m fat. I’m very — foolish to look at, Linda. I didn’t tell you, but Christmas time I happened to be calling on F. H Stewarts, and a salesman I know, as I was going in to see the buyer I heard him say something about — walrus. And I — I cracked him right across the face. I won’t take that. I simply will not take that. But they do laugh at me. I know that."
Death of a Salesman