

Is David Lauri is the victim of the society in the novel Disgrace?

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I think that Laurie really makes his own problems rather than a victim of society. At fifty-two, David Lurie is a sexually active man. He has been married twice and currently sleeps with a prostitute to fulfill his needs. The problem comes when Lurie crosses both departmental and generational boundaries and sleeps with his student. As a professor, it is against the University's code of conduct to sleep with a student. When Lurie crosses this boundary, he places the student in a difficult situation. Although she complies, his position of power gives Lurie an unfair advantage. The young student drops out of school and eventually files charges. Lurie is fired and publicly censured for his action when the student's boyfriend commands him to "stick to your own kind."

Affect of Lucy's rape on the father daughter relationship in disgrace


Disgrace by j.m.coetzee