Divine Comedy-I: Inferno

According to Dante's hierarchy of punishment, what circle what someone who lied on the stand, and planted evidence be found? And how would they be tortured?

According to Dante's hierarchy of punishment, what circle what someone who lied on the stand, and planted evidence be found? And how would they be tortured?

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Gradesaver has this summary in detail; check out the direct link I've provided below.



This can be seen in canto 30, Still in the Tenth Bolgia.Two sinners who lay prone on the ground and gave off steam were being punished for lying; they were Sinon the Greek and the woman who blamed Joseph. Sinon struck Adam, he retaliated, and a quarrel began over whose sin had been worse. Virgil told Dante to stop listening to their curses, and Dante was very much ashamed of his vulgar curiosity. Virgil forgave him, but said that it was base to listen to such things. They seem to have gone insane. Check this out at the GradeSaver link below,



Link provided above Frank k.