Esperanza Rising

Esperanza Rising

What foreshadowing does the author use to indicate something bad might happen?

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Two examples of foreshadowing in the novel point to the difficulties that will be faced by Esperanza and her mother. The first example is a statement made by Tio Luis, who wants nothing more than to replace Esperanza's father, control his lands, and even control his wife.

“You will regret your decision, Ramona. You must keep in mind that this house and those grapes are on my property. I can make things difficult for you. Very difficult." (p. 32)

The second example is a quote from Esperanza's mother. Her prayer for her daughter and hopes that Esperanza can be strong enough to face what lays ahead foreshadow unknown and assured difficulties.

“I will pray for you, Esperanza. That you can be strong. No matter what happens." (p. 138)


Esperanza Rising