Julie Otsuka Essays
Chasing the American Dream: The Message Behind Otsuka's Literary Devices College
The Buddha in the Attic
What is the American Dream? It’s the idea that people can come to America with nothing and make something out of nothing; the pulling oneself up by his or her own boot straps. “The Buddha in the Attic”, is a poetic novel written by Julie Otsuka...
The Boy's Loss: Sense of Self in 'When the Emperor Was Divine' 9th Grade
When the Emperor Was Divine
In Julie Otsuka’s novel When the Emperor was Divine, the boy’s life changed drastically due to his time in the internment camp. The boy was seven when he and his family boarded the train to their internment camp. He was a sensitive young child at...
Imprisonment vs. Freedom: Animal Imagery in 'When the Emperor Was Divine' 11th Grade
When the Emperor Was Divine
In When the Emperor Was Divine, Julie Otsuka takes us through the journey of a Japanese-American family that is displaced to internment camps along with many other families because of the war. The novel is told through the different perspectives...
Asian American Identity and "When the Emperor Was Divine" College
When the Emperor Was Divine
Many scholars have scrutinized the idea of going “beyond Black and White” in relation to the construction of the Asian American identity. Many arguments have been put forward to explain the possible factors that eventually lead to the perpetuation...
Displacement and Reaction: Analyzing When the Emperor Was Divine College
When the Emperor Was Divine
The characters in the novel When the Emperor Was Divine by Julie Otsuka find themselves in a rather comforting place they call “home.” The father has a job outside the home, the mother works inside the home, and the children go to school and make...
“Lined up in a neat row, stood the remnants of some long-ago game of Monopoly.” A Marxist Reading of When the Emperor was Divine 10th Grade
When the Emperor Was Divine
When the Emperor was Divine tells the story of a family of Japanese Americans living in California during World War II. During this time the United States Government forced the relocation and incarceration of those of Japanese descent into...