Marcus Cicero Essays
Rhetorical Strategies of Identity-Construction in Juvenal's Satire VI and Cicero's Catiline Orations
Cicero's Orations
In Satire VI and In Catilinam I and II, Juvenal and Cicero both make attacks on their enemies' personal conduct to construct a Roman identity while appealing to "Roman values." Their projects are indeed very similar; both raise questions of class,...
Cicero's Case Against Verres 11th Grade
Cicero's Orations
Many of Cicero’s points are cleverly structured so as to provide the most convincing attack on Verres, for example when he discusses Verres’ behaviour in Aspendos he begins by describing how “nullum te Aspendi signum…reliquisse” (You have left no...
How Clodius’ History Is Used to Blacken His Character in the 'Pro Milone' College
Cicero's Orations
Despite the fact that the Cicero constructs his argument based on factual evidence of what took place during the time before the fight and during the fracas itself, we cannot deny the fact that Cicero does at times use Clodius’ past actions to aid...
Cicero, Cruz, and Obama: Rhetorical Strategies and the Assessment of Modern Orations 12th Grade
Cicero's Orations
How many times have you made connections between movies and books of current times and those of ancient Roman times? As time has passed, the Roman empire and ancient times have continued to influence our daily lives. One of the similarities...