Ethan Frome
how is mattie associated with images of light and warmth
chapter 3
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jill d #170087
chapter 3
While hauling lumber early the next morning, Ethan reflects on the events of the previous night and circumstances that brought Mattie to Starkfield. Ethan went to bed, blowing out the candle before he crawled in so as to avoid looking at his wife. Under the door, he could see just a flicker of the light from Mattie's candle, all the way on the other side of the landing. He watched the light until it went out. He wished that he had kissed Mattie while they had been out on their walk.
Mattie's name is also associated with light; Mattie Silver is the light of Ethan's life.
While dancing in the church, Mattie is illuminated by "broad bands of yellow light."
Ethan Frome