Fahrenheit 451

How does the two characters Montag and Mildred show that trusting people is important?

I do not quite understand how they showed how trust plays a big role in life and in the story.

How does the two characters show that even in hard times it is important to trust people.

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In Fahrenheit 451, there is little trust between Mildred and Montag. Mildred does as Montag tells her, not because she want to, but rather because she is afraid of the repurcussions. Montag pushes, trying to make her understand his feelings.... feelings in a world where there are no feelings. They are husband and wife, but they couldn't be futher apart in their lives. Montag is stunned in the end, when he finally becomes aware that Mildred called in the alarm that would destroy their home.... that she knew would likely be responsible for the destruction of her husband. In my opinion, he took her trust for granted. Mildred consistently look for ways to protect herself. Trust did not truly exist within their marriage. Had Mildred trusted Montag she wouldn't have thrown it all away. Had Mildred deserved Montag's trust.... he wouldn't have had to hide the man he'd become.


Fahrenheit 451