Fahrenheit 451

Questions about Part 2: The Sieve and the Sand (3 AND 4)

According to Faber, how has religion changed? Is it a good change? Why?

How does Faber see himself and Montag?

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3) "When Montag arrives at Faber's, the nervous old man is at first hesitant, but allows Montag in after ascertaining that he is alone. Montag tells the old professor that he is the only one who can help him now as Faber eagerly peruses the Bible. He muses about the portrayal of Christ on television and recalls that "there were a lot of lovely books once, before we let them go." Faber professes himself to be a coward for not having stood up in protest back when they were beginning to ban books. Montag asks Faber to help him understand his books, lamenting that society is missing something fundamental that allowed people to experience true happiness. Faber explains getting rid of books is not entirely to blame for society's superficiality. Rather, it is the quality of introspection, mystery and wonder found in books that society lacks. Faber asserts that books are feared because they "show the pores in the face of life" and make people uncomfortable. What the world needs, according to Faber, is quality of information like that found in books, the leisure to analyze and understand it, and the right to act on that understanding."

4) Faber sees himself as water and Montag as fire.

