Flowers for Algernon

Symbols are objects, characters, figures, or colours used to represent abstract ideas or concepts. What do Algernon and The Window represent in the story? What is their link to the characters and the themes?

a. Give your initial reaction to the first 2 ‘progris riports’. Do you think the author intended you to react as you did? Explain.

b. Which is the most significant relationship Charlie has? Explain your answer.

c. As his intelligence grows what perspectives does Charlie gain about his past and present?

d. How has Charlie changed at the end of the story? Is he different from the person he is at the beginning, and if so, how? Do you consider the story’s ending to be tragic or inspiring? Why?

e. Symbols are objects, characters, figures, or colours used to represent abstract ideas or concepts. What do Algernon and The Window represent in the story? What is their link to the characters and the themes?

f. What do you think was the author’s purpose in writing this story? What lessons did he what a reader to learn? Explain.

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Algernon represents independence. As Charlie and Algernon's paths follow the same road through surgery and tests, they also share a bond as scientific subjects. When Charlie releases Algernon from his cage, he also claims his own independence.

The window is symbolic of Charlie's isolation and emotional distance from others. Even after the operation, Charlie feels his other self observing him from the window.... though they no longer have a connection. The window forever serves as a wall between the disabled Charlie and everyone else..... even the genius Charlie, he goes onto become.


Flowers for Algernon