Flowers for Algernon

What are some quotes to describe that Charlie Gordon is curious in Flowers for Algernon?

What date did you get the quote from?

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"She says Im a fine person and Ill show them all. I asked her why. She said never mind but I shouldnt feel bad if I find out everybody isnt nice like I think."

Progress Report 9/ Page 26

This next quote has to do with Charlie's feelings about his past, the things that sets him off...... the things he doesn't understand. Trying to understand these feelings tends to get him in trouble.

"Remembering how my mother looked before she gave birth to my sister is frightening. But even more frightening is the feeling that I wanted them to catch me and beat me. Why did I want to be punished? Shadows out of the past clutch at my legs and drag me down. I open my mouth to scream, but I am voiceless. My hands are trembling, I feel cold, and there is a distant humming in my ears."

Progress Report Number 12, pg. 92

"Remembering how my mother looked before she gave birth to my sister is frightening. But even more frightening is the feeling that I wanted them to catch me and beat me. Why did I want to be punished? Shadows out of the past clutch at my legs and drag me down. I open my mouth to scream, but I am voiceless. My hands are trembling, I feel cold, and there is a distant humming in my ears." PR 12, pg. 92


Flowers for Algernon