
How does the creature travel ? Does this remind you of any other people's travels?

Frankenstein Chapters 16-18

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The Creature travels on foot. He walks through the forest utilizing what parts of nature he can to sustain and protect himself. I'm not sure about your second question. Indigenous peoples often traveled this way but I'm not entirely sure what you mean.

The creature rested during the day and travelled through the night in fear of encountering a human.


"I travelled only at night, fearful of encountering the visage of a human being," (Shelley, 141)

"I generally rested during the day, and traveled only when I was secured by night from the view of man" (Shelley, 142)

(this is from the "penguin classics" edition so the page can varie depending on your copy)


Shelley, Mary. Frankenstein. London: Penguin, 1992. Print.