Gathering Blue


What is happening in the field of living

Where did kira work? What did she do there

Where does kira go to resolve her conflict with vandara? Who is assigned as hero defender?

What is meant by the terms the ruin? The song? And the singer?

What does kira learn about her father from her appointed defender

Who is the new friend kira meets her new home in council edifice?

What is so special about scrap of cloth that kira keeps?

What was kira expected to do with the untouched expanse across the back and shoulders of the singers robe

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Last updated by Laura B #1346422
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Kira is in the Field of Living, adhering to the four days of watching after the death of a loved one.

She was young still, and had not experienced death before, not in the small two-person family that she and her mother had been. Of course she had seen others go through the rituals. She could see some of them in the vast foul-smelling Field of Leaving, huddled beside the ones whose lingering spirits they tended. She knew that a woman named Helena was there, watching the spirit leave her infant, who had been born too soon. Helena had come to the Field only the day before. Infants did not require the four days of watching; the wisps of their spirits, barely arrived, drifted away quickly.

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Gathering Blue