Great Expectations

Considering Pip's initial reactions to Magwitch in Chapter 39, why do you think Pip becomes increasingly concerned and fearful for Magwitch's safety? Explain how this increasing concern signals a change in Pip's personality.

great expectations

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Pip certainly matures between his initial reactions of Magwitch (chapter 39) to when he actually attempts to rescue him. Pip begins to realize that Magwitch dearly loved him and wanted nothing more than Pip to become a gentleman. Certainly Pip is beginning to change his values. Becoming a gentleman is no longer his only goal. Acquiring status at the risk of losing those who truly love him is, Pip realizes, no way to live.

When Magwitch rescues Pip it makes it clear that Magwitch is actually a good guy and that he cares for Pip. It also becomes clear that Magwitch only wants Pip to be a gentleman and nothing more. With Compeyson trying to kill Magwitch, Pip takes his safety very serious because he doesn’t want to lose another loved one. I think Pip is starting to connect Joe and Magwitch because they both only wanted what was best for Pip and Pip does not want to lose Magwitch like he lost touch with Joe. Pip become more protective and more caring. Pip also will do whatever it takes to get Magwitch to safety.


Great Expectations by Charles Dickens