Great Expectations
How is Pip's relationship with Joe Gargery different from his relationship with Mrs. Joe?
go deeper with the answer. it's easy to say that Mrs.Joe is Pip's sister
go deeper with the answer. it's easy to say that Mrs.Joe is Pip's sister
Mrs. Joe treats Pip with a heavy hand. Although she does care about Pip, she gives Pip no room to be a child. She is tough on Pip with few moments of understanding or nurturing. Mrs. Joe does change to a much kinder gentler version of her after she is clobbered with an iron shackle. Her change of heart might be because of her new vulnerabilities and dependence on her family. Joe’s relationship with Pip is everything that Mrs. Joe’s relationship with Pip is not. He is an understanding confidant of Pip's. He truly loves Pip and isn't afraid to show that affection.