Great Expectations

How many of Pip's earlier expectations have been realized?

Chapter 19, shortest answer possible please

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At the end of Chapter 19, it says, "This is the end of the first stage of Pip's expectations"--but Pip only achieves one thing--he has come into a lot of money. So, while he has the potential for some "great expectations" I don't think he really has achieved anything yet. All he has is the means by which to pursue it--cash. As we find out later, Pip's money does not make him into a man, but his hard work does because he loses the money, and as such, is forced to go to work with Herbert Pocket where, in the end, he does make a success of himself. The title of this novel is ironic because "expectations" does not mean the same thing as "achievement". Pip's plans were merely that -- "expectations"--and the achievement only came through hard work and diligence. Pip learns that the ones that love him the most in his life are Joe and Biddy. Joe is the one that comes to London and nurses Pip back to health. By the end of this chapter, Pip is only starting out, so the only thing he has really achieved is some money, a new suit, and big plans.
