Great Expectations

In chapter 27, joes letter to pip(writ tens by Biddy), what reason does Joe say he wants to visit pip? What does he tell pip that makes his "face fire up"? How does Joe end the visit?

Chapter 27

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Part II: Chapter 8:

Biddy writes to Pip to tell him Joe is coming into London and would like to visit him. Pip does not look "with pleasure" on this.

Joe shows up for breakfast and tells Pip that Miss Havisham wants him to know Estella is back at the Satis House. The conversation is apologetic and stilted, Joe addresses Pip as "sir," and Joe stays only for a few minutes. He tells Pip that he is out of his element, and that if Pip would like to see the real Joe and sit down and talk like old times, he should visit the forge.


Once again, we are presented with the meal theme, this meal an uncomfortable clash between Pip's new "gentlemanly" life and his "common" life at the forge. Joe even uses the word "wittles," which was last used by the convict that Pip met in the marshes, symbolizing all of Pip's past that he is trying to separate from.

Joe, like Dickens, knows the importance of place and invites Pip back to the forge where the two of them could be natural around one another.
