Act 2, Sc. 2, lines 384-415: What does the audience realize about the conversation that Polonius does not?
Hamlet. My lord, I have news to tell you. When Roscius was
and actor in Rome -
Polonius. The actors are come hither, my lord.
Hamlet. Buzz, buzz.
Polonius. Upon my honour -
Hamlet. Then came each acotr on his ass -
Polonius. The best actors in the world, either for tragedy,
comedy, history, pastoral, pastoral-comical, historical-
pastoral, tragical-historical, tragical-comical-historical-
pastoral, scene individable, or poem unlimited. Seneca
cannot be too heavy, nor Plautus too light. For the law of
writ, and the liberty, these are the only men.
Hamlet. O, Jephthah, judge of Israel, what a treasure hadst
Polonius. What a treasure had he, my lord?
Hamlet. Why,
One fair daughter and no more,
The which he loved passing well.
Polonius. [aisde] Still on my daughter.
Hamlet. Am I not i'th'right, old Jephthah?
Polonius. If you call me Jephthah, my lord, I have a daughter
that I love passing well.
Hamlet. Nay, that follows not.
Polonius. What follows then, my lord?
Hamlet. Why,
As by lot God wot,
And then, you know,
It came to pass, as most like it was.
The first row of the pious chanson will show you more, for
look where my abridgement comes.
[Enter the players]
You are welcome, masters. Welcome, all - I am glad to see
thee well - Welcome, good friends - O, old friend, why
thy face is valanced since I saw thee last.