House on Mango Street
Why is the house on Mango Street an improvement over the narrator’s other homes? In what ways does it fall short of her “dream” house?
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Alex W #1046043
Last updated by
jill d #170087
i need some answers
This new house on Mango street is the first the family has owned. The narrator observes the benefits of having a home of one's own, namely the absence of rent, sharing with neighbors, or minding the landlord. However, she is quick to point out that "it's not the house we thought we'd get." The house on Mango street is far away from her old neighborhood; it was bought with haste and necessity when the family's old landlord refused to repair the water pipes. Thus, the narrator expresses her dissatisfaction that her parents promise to one day move into a real house was not fulfilled in on Mango Street.
The House on Mango Street