I Am David

I Am David

What chapter do I find when David starts to believe in God?

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In Chapter Three, when David loses his compass, he says, "Oh God". These two words lead him to think that possible he should have a god to pray to.... a god to help him through his difficulties. In turn, he considers the different gods prayed to by the men and women in the camp. In the end, he decides to pray to Johannes' god — the God, also God to the Biblical David. Then David begins his prayer by "God of the green pastures and the still waters", and concludes by saying, "I am David. Amen." David's prayer, and all of his prayers throughout the novel, provide him with the strength and courage he needs to go on.

"He felt a sense of relief and added strength just as he had the morning he had determined to go on living. He was glad he had thought of it: a god would be a lot better than a compass - though, of course, it would have been nice to have both."


I Am David